There is Nothing more Compelling than the Voice of the Customer

It does not matter what you sell, nothing markets better than the endorsement of your customer or buyer.

Flattery and recommendations do not come easily, they have to be earned through excellent product, customer service and ultimately personal relationships.

During my time at Siperian I focused on building our brand around our customers, leading them to endorse us strongly as evidenced by this video I put together from our Annual Siperian Masters (SM08) in 2008. I’m also a great believer in invoking passion through music. Famous themes (for example from great movies) bring good feelings, excitement etc. John Williams who wrote many a classic movie theme, hit the ball out of the park with Indiana Jones. I used the Indiana Jones theme for the conference throughout (more on that later).

Meanwhile click below for the interviews (9 minutes worth). Tell me if you can feel the passion!


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