Lights. Camera. Action.

From: Ramon Chen
Sent: Monday, April 08, 2002 2:44 PM
To: *All MetaTV
Subject: Lights. Camera. Action.

For those of you who are wondering about the Camera Crew (Jeff K and Scott E) roaming the halls, we are filming some stock footage on Beta-SP (TV broadcast quality) so that we have a library of footage of our offices and surroundings.
We will be utilizing this footage as “B” roll for news crews who may want to include MetaTV in their coverage. Basically it allows them to clip into news segments scenes from our offices should they decide to mention us and saves them a trip down to our offices.
In addition, the extra footage can also be used in a corporate video as well as for some VOD segments which we would own copyright free.
We will be filming today and tomorrow various areas and may well wander into meetings (non-customer of course) to capture people in action for the library.
So smile and act casual! Of course anything captured that looks amusing may appear on the blooper real (just kidding).
– Ramon

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