10 Ways to Prevent Your Data from Being a Turkey this Thanksgiving and Beyond

10. Gobble up your data, but make sure it’s more than just well done and reliable

9. Visualize your data, but know it’s just dressing without recommended actions

8. Pluck out relevant insights using a feast of machine learning algorithms, from an open ecosystem

7. Remember there’s always more than meats the pie (chart)

6. Prevent big data indigestion using a multi-model, polyglot storage strategy

5. Expect compliance to be handled by your platform, GDPR is the gravy not the main course

4. Don’t just save dessert room for data-driven applications, they’re part of a complete meal

3. Go multi-cloud, it will ensure every meal is always less filling and tastes great

2. Stop tryptophan-ing over leftover legacy MDM tools, you don’t have the space or time 

1. Give thanks to your teams who are data-driven, and helping your company be right faster. If not send them on a field trip to learn how.

Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!