UPDATE: John Chambers’ Webcast video now available here
- #RSA2009 #Cloudcomputing Chambers “Any Device, Any Content over Any combo of networks w/confidence” #
- #RSA2009 #Cloudcomputing Chambers “Cisco internal presentations through Webex, IP TV to 17,000 employees over the world is secure” #
- #RSA2009 #Cloudcomputing Chambers “Everything will be seamless, exciting to me as a network player $$, but it will be a securty nightmare” #
- #RSA2009 How 1. Use tech to protect from attacks 2. Trust what we are using (non counterfit) 3. keep bad stuff our and good stuff in #
- #RSA2009 #Cloudcomputing “Collaboration and Web 2.0 will support 5% Growth” #
- #RSA2009 #Cloudcomputing “Innovation and Security must Coexist”. Tells Cisco’s CIO “Make it so” 🙂 #
- #RSA2009 #Cloudcomputing Which is more important innovation or operational excellence? Ans: Operational Excellence #
- #RSA2009 #Cloudcomputing Chambers “Must have 4-10 yr Vision, 2 to 4 year Strategy, Execution 12-18 months” #
- #RSA2009 #Cloudcomputing Chambers “I collaborate w/Putin other leaders of state through virtual” #
- #RSA2009 #Cloudcomputing Chambers Will introduce the Security Cloud #
- #RSA2009 #Cloudcomputing Everything as a service. Security as a service #
- #RSA2009 #Cloudcomputing Phase II of Internet … collaboration, Networked web 2.0/social networking #
- #RSA2009 #Cloudcomputing Chambers explaining how everything will be video driven. Explains his purchase of Flip Video #
- #RSA2009 #Cloudcomputing Chambers “Keep bad stuff out Keep good stuff in” Cisco announcing 4 new products. To be the leader in Biz Security #
- #RSA2009 #Cloudcomputing Chambers “Security is not just Anti Virus.” “THE NETWORK IS THE PLATFORM FOR SECURITY” #
- #RSA2009 Cisco Security Solutions Trend 1. Local Appliance 2. Integrated Network 3.Offered as Service 4. Hybrid Arch 5.phy/IT convergence #
- #RSA2009 #Cloudcomputing Cisco stats: Inspects 500GB info/day 700k sensors in customer productions, 1M cisco devices, 500+ experts analyzing #
- #RSA2009 #Cloudcomputing Chambers “We are moving into Security and when we move into a market we always become #1” #
- #RSA2009 #Cloudcomputing Chambers to audience “Do you change your wife very often?” #
- #RSA2009 “Change makes everyone uncomfortable. This is fundamental chg to security. Twitter, blogging, is how biz wi will be done” #
- #RSA2009 #Cloudcomputing “Cisco is up 3100% in YouTube usage. Webex connections are up 3900%. You MUST think Security NOW” #
- #RSA2009 #Cloudcomputing Cisco defining collaboration – “Experts Web 2.0 and Next Generation Security” Process, Technology, People #
- #RSA2009 #Cloudcomputing Chambers repeats “Security Confidence: Any Device. Any Content over Any Combination of networks w/confidence” #
Melissa Hathaway’s presentation